Monday 4 April 2016

Operation Fig Tree...

In the Garden of The White Rabbit grew a tiny little seedling, each morning The White Rabbit would water it, always looking after it, making sure that it would grow big and strong, he had no idea what it would grow in to,  he just knew that every few days it would get taller and taller, what once was tiny was now starting to reach the first floor window of his house...  He would wake excited to see how much further it would grow, and look forward to seeing what it would eventually grow into....  he so hoped it would be a giant fig tree with multi-coloured figs, each fig tasting of a different flavour... he's seen The Mad Hatter growing one last year, and longed to grown one in his garden also. The White Rabbit knew than no matter how it turned out he would love it just the same...

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